As I said before, so much happened today!! We are finally done with everything apart from writing the blog, but tomorrow it starts again, I guess till we are opening it is going to be non stop. So much good news today!! So, the day was all about getting ourselves a new flat, a normal home finally where we can relax after work, take a shower, and where the dogs have a perfect place. The whole weekend I called so many agents, but we were still not sure what is going to happen with the flat above the bar. I was less and less interested in it everyday and just felt like it is such a commitment that it would just be stupid to take it on in the state that it is in, saying that we would be able to 100% buy it eventually. It made it a bit more difficult, that we knew, the flat can only be maximum 5 minutes walk from Lost, and it has to take the dogs and it should be at a reasonable price as well. Anyway, I talked to a lot of people and arranged some viewings for today and tomorrow. Yesterday we decided that we are not taking the flat above for sure, Scott said first, that he is going to sign it for himself, but since we have a budget for the two of us it doesnt make a difference, plus I told him, I do him a favour not letting him signing the papers, it is just too much at the moment. So this is were we were yesterday, we knew, we have nowhere to go and only have 11 days till the opening, and we have to get the dogs a nice home.
The representative was here from Coca Cola, he is really cool, we think he understands what we are trying to do here, and I guess he can help us a lot. We signed the papers and got some promotional stuff, I am especially happy about the Jack Daniels ice cube holder, it is so classy! We only have a couple of things on the bar now, but it makes such a huge difference, that it actually looks like a bar now... and there is so much more to come this week. Tomorrow, we get the first glasses from Heineken and on Thursday we are getting the beer taps too with the fridge hopefully, so it is not long now and we can practice for the opening and test pour our first lost in budapest beer. To be honest there is still a lot to do, we have to come up with a system how we are going to work, but I think it is just going to be a matter of time, and this place is going to run very smooth. I cant believe that I can do what I love to do, and not only that, but all the decisions made are ours, everything here represents us and our way till here. One again, it wasnt easy, and it is nowhere finished, but now we can see the results. It was such a journey, crazy!! The Coca Cola fridges and the first order of drinks come in on next Thursday, so it is a bit last minute, but everything else is going to be ready by then. For this, we had to get our company stamp done as well, so I think we are almost finished with all the legal parts of the company.
A lot left for tomorrow, we get the fire safety person coming over in the morning, than the Heineken pr and
glasses and we can work on the bar setup as well. Finally...this past 3 weeks felt like ages, it seems unreal that we can sleep in a bed in a few days. It looks like all that hard work and a couple of nervous breakdowns are going to pay off:).
glasses and we can work on the bar setup as well. Finally...this past 3 weeks felt like ages, it seems unreal that we can sleep in a bed in a few days. It looks like all that hard work and a couple of nervous breakdowns are going to pay off:).
I know exactly what you mean , I will never forget that feeling when I first walked into that house :)