Thursday, 2 May 2013

Get the revamp started!

As the Grand Opening is getting closer, the days are getting longer and longer for us! By the time I sit in front of the computer I really have to think back what happened in the morning... I had to cancel my appointment for registering the company, as we wanted to make sure that everything is good with the longer opening hours license before we register. So woke up quite early again, of course not earlier than Scott and phoned both Coca Cola and Dreher to see what they can offer and arranged a meeting with them for today. I had to go to the bank and take the money out for the bar deposit and the first months rent, when the Landlady called and she said the best news, everything went through and we can sign the contract in about 20 minutes. So finally we had the papers in our hand and after some very important changes, we were ready to sign it! I dont think either of us realises that this is actually for 5 years, it is a weird feeling, to have the keys to ourselves now officially. The journey can begin! It felt like a long journey for us, but in the end, we only arrived in Hungary a month ago, so in a way it had been so quick!!

Lost window
Anyway, after signing, Scott really wanted and needed to go home and sort himself out, but we had to wait for the representative from Coca Cola. So the thing with these companies, is that you have to order their products and in return you get all of the promotional stuff and fridges from them. There is a minimum amount to order in a month or so, but you can choose the drinks you want to have. In a way it is good, with the Coca Cola, they are quite flexible, you can have different drinks in the bar, which are not Coca Cola products. The thing is, that we need a wide selection of drinks from all over the world, even in spirits and beers, but with Dreher it is quite limited and you are not really supposed to have other drinks in your fridge then theirs. So, I got the number of Heineken as well, and although I like Dreher as a beer, and probably foreigners would like it too, but maybe it is better for us to go with a more international brand like Heineken, which still has hungarian draught beer, I think Soproni, which is also perfect. We see all this tomorrow. But both of the companies liked our ideas and the concept, so hopefully we can arrange everything with no problems. The other thing is, that there is still so much paperwork to do, that it is crazy, we have to get the company registered on Monday and then go straight to the city hall and start on the licence for operating, that is the most important before we open! So much ahead, and we cant say that we have been lazy...
After the meetings, we had to go to a DIY shop, we went to Baumax to get everything for the painting of the inside. We choose a really nice beige colour, like the background of the logo and some spray paints  to recreate the stamp effect. We got a lot of stuff and still was able to stay in the budget, so after we came back Scott started working on the walls, and I organised all our paperwork, put it into folders, and made a chart for our everyday spendings, because it is very important for us to track the expenses. When I finished I started helping Scott with the corners of the walls, and just after about 6 hours I can say that the place looks amazing, and totally different! The window Scott put into the wall yesterday is perfect now, looks like the main bit of the logo, and he came up with an easy way to get that patchy look.

To be honest we had some hard times recently, we worked so hard and had so much on our minds, it was a bit too much, both of us dealt with it in a different way, and I think I can say today finally, that we are both calmer, and realised that this is our place and we can see now how it is going to look like when we open and it is so exciting!! During spraying, both of our nostrils are full of black paint and we feel a bit dizzy, so I dont know if I am completely sober but this is going to be something crazy, I cannot wait to be open and show it to everyone and have customers coming in, and when they ask, you can finally say, this is your place:)! 
Still a lot to do tomorrow, but I guess, it is just the way it is going be for the next month, but it is all good, as I said, we are so excited to open, so we are going to keep up the hard work and see everyone only in 30 days:)!!!

Always use a mask when painting and spraying haha

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