Today couldnt have been more typical Monday, all we did was going from one office to another finding out about more missing papers...To be honest I was well prepared for the day at least compared to what I was used to be like, and I was in a way nervous about the amount of stuff we have to take care of. Its weird, but I dont like to have all the responsibility on my shoulders, if anyone knows me, they know, I am the worst with deadlines and getting things sorted. But of course it is something I always wanted to improve in, and now, that I am the one who understands the language and the system a bit more, I have to lead Scott in this matter. So after some arguments over how we should be doing this, we decided it is just for the best if we do all this together, and he might not be able to understand everything they are saying, but at least we both see the process of how we are going to get the legal side of this bar sorted and it will be such a relief for us both once its all complete.
Dont mess with the lost security!!!!!! |
I just cant wait till we our behind the bar which I love, meeting new people, talking to them, creating an atmosphere where they have lots of fun, and finally I can do that in my own country, it is just beyond words! I have always been telling people abroad about this country, how amazing it is, and that everyone should come, and now maybe I can play a small role in them leaving from here with the best memories! I was just saying this, because this setting up thing was quite hard for me, I am not such a person who can imagine things, how they are going to look like, I live more in the present, and not knowing can freak me out. I dont wanna go on and on about this, just want to express my feelings I had in the past month. With no question I was the one who believed in this project less and Scott had to convince me almost everyday that we are doing something great. For me it is more scary that we are putting everything we have into this, and I like to feel safe, but when you are doing your own business, you don't know for sure how it is going to turn out. So, really I just wanted to say, that without Scotts hard work it would have never come true.We started at the lock smiths to get improve on the security for the bar, so the guy came around and he checked it, and eventually we got a phone number, so we getting it all sorted tomorrow. We have to get our contract countersigned, so we went up to the Law Office just across the street, because I just wanted to ask them if they could help, but it was the weirdest experience, because it is such a posh office, they have big posters of Hungarian celebrities they have been working with, and after talking to a lawyer he said, he could do it for about 300 euro, which I dont know how reasonable price is, but I told him we are going to call him back, and I realised that we dont need a lawyer, we actually have to look for a Notary Public (I google translated kozjegyzo, so I dont know if it makes sense:)). We headed down to register the company the only thing we were missing was Scotts tax number, so after signing about a million papers, we went to the Tax Office, where we had to wait about 2 hours to give in a piece of paper and Scott is going to have a number by Wednesday.
The most important thing after the registration today was that Scott called the Landlady of our flat, and handed our notice in, which means we can stay there for another 2 months, but we dont have to pay anymore, it is going to come off of our deposit. That flat is just not us at all, so we have now 2 months to find a new one, but we spend our time here at the bar anyway, so it doesnt really matter...
special lost IRONMAN SHOTS!!! |
I had to get back to the flat, because we were expecting the person who reads the gas meter today, but he didnt show up in three hours, so I left, and till that, Scott has been busy of course, and he sorted out a new 3D TV a DVD Player and some more of the decoration stuff for the bar. It is going to look crazy, actually it already does. On the way back, I bumped into the guy who helped us, telling us about the drink suppliers and some important things about the area, so we started talking again and he came down to check the bar out. I think he was the first to see it in this condition and he really loved it, and told us we have been very lucky with the location and the landlady and everything.
Now that we have all of this stuff it feels like home, here, actually tonight we can just relax and watch a movie off the sofa, I think we deserve it:). Scott is still working on the security now, You can see the pictures, I thought he is just going to get some locks, but with him it is never normal:)! xxx
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