Anyway, the day started as normal, and we were expecting a friend, who is doing HACCP checks in shops and restaurants, bars, so she said, she can help us, what to take care of and how to make sure that we are going to pass this check. She came here at around 10am, and we went through everything, I never thought about the things she pointed out, but after all it is not too much, we can do that in the next week, and she can come back on Friday, and even sort out the possible mice and bugs that appears everywhere in the city. It is very comforting every time something gets done, or we finally know how it is for sure, because sometimes it just feels like we have so much ahead, but step by step it is possible to get through everything.
We just got the company registered as you know, so the next step is to open up a business account. We went to Raiffeisen to do that, so we are going to get a contact person, and this is where we are going to have our cash flow from the bar. Unfortunately as usual there was something missing, so we have to wait until Tuesday to open it, but after that we are really ready to roll! Our other problem is the UPC from the old flat, but we dont know yet what to do with it, either find someone to take it, or we take it, or cancel it, but is is very expensive...our usual great internet deal!!
After we came back to the bar, we shot the video of the inside, to show you guys how it looks like and the process it has gone through in the past 2-3 weeks. Crazy just looking at it, looks amazing! Check out the video to see the results!!

Now, the biggest issue we have at the moment is to move in the flat upstairs or not to move in. I have been upstairs yesterday, and that place is alright to live in but it is not nice at all apart from the layout. There is a big potential in it, but the question is, are we able to afford it now or not? Should we get into such a big financial commitment in the first year of our business, saying that we are going to buy it in a year, which we dont know, or even in this 5 years, it is quite a lot of money. So, Scott really wants to move in, he is very determined he could turn it into a beautiful place, which I am sure of, but we have to spend so much money on it, that it is crazy, when we could spend that money on the bar, reinvesting. Or, we can look for a place near here, have a bit of time away from the bar, have a life outside of here as well for a couple of hours and move to a place where there is a fridge, a washing machine, a nice bed and we can finally unpack our stuff and relax, have a good night sleep. I come across sometimes, that I am the one who didnt believe in this project as much as Scott did. It is true, his speed is most of the time overwhelming for me, giving everything into one project is too much, and now jump into buying a property is again too much for me. I wish I could be such a believer as he is, but I stand on the ground and try to do things that I know we can do, afford and handle. It is not the case, that Scott can work 18 hours a day for about 3 weeks now, but I like and need to sleep my 7-8 hours before I can function. We have our arguments and we had before, he doesnt care about spending money so much, I know how hard we worked for it, and for me, I like to think it through twice what we spend on. I have to admit most of his ideas are brilliant, but at the same time if it was up to him, he would have spent the budget already. We are fine money wise, it is not the case, I just want to feel a bit more safe in a nice environment, work when the bar is open, get people in, enjoy our time and have fun, but knowing that we didnt put too much on our shoulders. I feel like this flat would be too much. Oh well, this is a difference between us that we always had, I never wanted to kill any of Scotts dreams, actually helped him make them come true, but I have to take care of myself as well, and what my dreams are, to have a nice bar and a home where I can go to after work, which is perfect for the dogs as well.
Two things before I finish, one, I know he doesnt celebrate it, but it is my dads birthday today, he helped us so much, moving back to Hungary and so on, just like all my family, so thanks a lot, and Happy Birthday!
The other thing, is that Igor, Skys brother is on the way here, we can have the two most beautiful dogs next to each other, yayyy, cant wait, beauties xxxx
Quick Chat part 7:
Quick Chat part 7:
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