Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Feeling a bit more organised

This is the first time Scott and I have decided to share some of the bad news that has been part of the Lost project that has happened to us over the weekend. In any situation like ours opening a bar you will always get some people in the local area who moan or complain about new things happening on their doorsteps. We have had some problems with a couple of people in our connecting building who see Lost in Budapest as a nightclub or disco so they decided to cause us some problems as we explain, but this is a fact of life. We tried to  start Lost fully ready for any situations like this and we are. If people take the time to check out our Facebook page,Blogger and youtube it can show them we mean no harm and want to bring something very special  into Budapest connecting local business creating a tourist hotspot and showing people a overall good time with our many years experience with bars,clubs and general nightlife scene. We can pull this off to the best and most professional level without upsetting anyone on the way, at least we can try to do so.

 Although we knew that this week is going to be very important and eventful one for us, this was still a surprise:). Yet again, I dont know what happened last night, if Scott went to sleep eventually, or if he was up all night, if I have to guess, it is the second one, I was in a coma till about 8am, since we were cleaning last night till 4am getting the bar ready for the sound system install later in the week from ZAJ DJ and getting us into a proper system. The first job on the list was that we had appointment with a lawyer  to get some advice on the flat we lived in and find out the best solution in leaving the property and go through with him  about the crazy woman in the building here who had been causing us problems over the weekend and find out what real power she has legally, that could be bad for our business. It had been so nice to hear finally a legal person telling us, that all she can do is make it more difficult to get us the license till 2am, but other than that she is not entitled to do anything else and he confirmed everything we was doing and planning was in perfect legal order.

The other confirmation for us was that we met a woman who lives also in the building who we see regularly coming in an out of the connecting building with her little barking dog  and she stopped us today and told us basically the same thing, that she has nothing really against us, and only a few people supports her, so we should be okay, and she loves the bar already:)! That gave our day a nice start straight away. After this I met my mom aka the legend who once again helped us move our stuff from the flat to the bar till we have a new place, so I packed most of the clothes and we only have to go back tomorrow to finish off, clean and then just give back the keys and we are finally out of that nightmare. It looks like we are not really lucky with the properties we are renting, but in this case we were quite desperate to rent a flat in the city, otherwise we would have been stuck at the lake, and we fell is love with the flat when we first saw it, only what came after made us change our minds. The difficulties with the landlord and the hot water, the neighbours and we were not able to create a nice home in that place, so we have to move on.

I am not the best with changes, I like things I am already used to, so this past month and a half was just such a roller coaster, had its ups and downs, but now we can see the end of it. Seriously, it is enough to just change a work place, but we left a city, moved to another, got a new flat, we didnt know if we are going to find a place for the bar or not, is our budget going to be enough and so on, the list is never ending. Many times it was not easy, we had our arguments over things, but today both of us feels a lot better, and sometimes I can already imagine having friends and customers around and it is soooo exciting!!

So after we came back with all the packages, we sorted our TV out, now we have sky channels sports etc, and then finally we got the best news so far, which wouldnt be such a big thing but for us it felt like we have been waiting for it for ages, we got our company tax number. We are now able to order from the suppliers, we can have the beers in and already contacted Coca Cola to get the fridges. Hopefully soon the bar is going to look like a real bar:)! The landlady came around today, because the owners of the three shops in the building are going to paint the front of the house and they are making a couple of changes in the front of the bar as well, but still, it is going to look amazing!!
Much to do tomorrow, we are going to start with having ZAJ DJ around to set up the sound system at a nice early 8am appointment but knowing scott he will be awake and ready at 5am lol, after that we have to go to clean the flat and I have to go to the city hall too, and start with the registration now that we have the company. Busy day ahead as usual, but now the count down really starts, because if I am correct it is only 18 days till the Grand Opening:)!!!!

Quick Chat Part 5 The whole truth and nothing but the truth!!!!

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