06.04.2013 - Hungarian National Dishes

Other then that, our day started in a very nice mood (maybe it has to do with the fact that we have internet, who knows...). The plan was to do our food and beer tasting today, get Scott to be a bit more familiar with the hungarian "gastronomy". For a change it was sunny outside, so we decided to film the video blog in the garden. You can see the result below, all we can say in advance is that Scott found a new addiction in Bomba :). We are quite impressed with the camera we got, and Scott is getting really into the Final Cut Pro program. As weird as it was in the beginning to see ourselves on camera, we also begin to enjoy it more and more. We feel we can work good together, connecting english and hungarian characteristics together in a funny way.
It is crazy how quick time went by today with making the video, by the time we realised we have no more food in the flat, everything was closed...living a countryside life:). We just take this night for ourselves, go out for a meal and watch a movie. It seems way too unreal, that Bori just finished working a week ago, feels like we have left Vienna a long time...Still had no time to relax, there is always something to do, but both of us is like that in a way, we have to keep ourselves active (especially Scott). But we have to say, we really appreciate all the support we get from you guys, had so many views on the blog and the videos in such a short amount of time already. We never know where this project is gonna take us, but the most important is that we enjoy doing it a lot:)!!!!
We have a couple more video ideas at the lake, probably can do it the beginning of next week, but till then, we still post here every day:)!
Food tasting:
Food tasting:
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