Thursday, 18 April 2013

18.04.2013 - Paperwork overload

Woke up really early again, Scott took the dogs out at 6 in the morning, and they were up quite a lot during the evening as well. After breakfast we had to go straight to the Immigration Office for Scott to get registered, so we can open up the bank account and finally sort out our finances. We arrived just a bit after opening, but there was already a lot of people waiting in line. Only when we got there, we found out, that we dont have the required documents they need, since we are not employed at the moment, we have to confirm somehow that Scott has enough money to live in Hungary for three months. The problem is, that we have all our money on my account (hahaha) and we cannot put his name on it from here, since its Austrian. The other thing was, that they said our paper of our savings account would do, but after Scott warning me to take everything with me, I still left my bank card at  home, so we had to come back quick. It already seemed like it is going to turn into one of those days.

We have been cheeky on the way back, and didnt buy a ticket for the tram, but luckily faith was on our side, and it was only a matter of a minute, but we somehow escaped and didnt get a fine. After getting off, we decided that a taxi is our best solution in this situation, so we picked up my card quickly from the flat and headed back to the office. We had to wait for more than an hour to get in, where we found out, that this paper is still not valid, so Scotts stay was in danger:)!!! They suggested we go back to the bank, open up the account on his name, put some money on it, and that would be enough for registering. We have been so exhausted by then, but seriously there is always something to do and Scott never gives us a rest, so even when we took a break and had a Subway sandwich he made me eat it on the way, because he cant sit down till everything is sorted...And this is only our personal papers, cant even imagine how it is going to be like with a business. 

We had an appointment with a lady in a bank (KH), but decided to go to Raiffeisen, since my Austrian account is there, and maybe it is easier to get everything done in one bank, which was in a way true, although there is no account access between different countries. But the girl in the bank helped us open an account on both of our names in probably half an hour, so we are able to get Scott official here on Monday!

This should have been the end of our day, but we had the UPC guy coming over, had to walk the dogs, and we bought some wine and beers, because my sister came around who live in London now, and came to visit for a couple of days. It was really nice to see her again, although she had to go shortly to see her friends, but in a short time after a couple of drinks, we became very enthusiastic to go somewhere tonight. It is always a problem, we said, we have to budget ourselves a big time now, so no spending, going out etc before my birthday, and than we have two drinks and convince ourselves the best thing to do is go crazy. But tiredness won over party time, and we stayed in, to be reasonable, write a blog and save ourselves for Saturday! 

I have to admit, I am very very tired now, so probably just going to go and sleep (Scott is already sleeping behind me with dogs:)), because we do really need a nice relaxing time. The catch in doing your own business, is that you feel sometimes that you are not doing anything, you have no income yet, and the whole setting up takes more time than how it feels when you talk about it. People usually just skip this part, although this is the most important. So we are going to be very careful with everything.
Tomorrow we are sorting out our finances, organising the papers we got in the past days and just go for a nice walk, because this weekend is going to be work free:)!!!

Today in a Video:)

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