Lost In Budapest Blog Adventures Part 10
Proud to be a citizen! |
It all started like an average day, we had a very simple plan of getting Scott registered and wait for the rest of the bars we contacted to get back to us. Before we left the flat for the Immigration Office, we quickly checked the bars and found a new one, which was only 40 m2, but we decided to call them anyways, since we havent been to that area yet, so it might worth a look.
We got to the Immigration Office quick and luckily there was no massive crowd, so it looked like we are going to finish quick. Scott said, this was the most complicated registration he ever had. They sure check all the papers, all the copies even more people double checking to make sure only the right people get to stay in Hungary. Or maybe they were only this strict with Scott:). Anyway, finally he got registered, and he got a residency card from them. The whole process took a bit more time than we thought it would, so we really had to hurry to the viewing. The bar is in the Kalman Imre street, which is near the Parliament, just next to the collage I used to go to. It was in a way a surprise for us, because it actually looked nice from the outside, and since the agent was a bit late, we got really enthusiastic about the place in 10 minutes. The fact, that it was just across the street from the Nagymezo street, and that it is located next to a bus stop, put our hopes up about it. As soon as we entered, we didnt feel like it is the perfect place (simply, it was not big enough), but we definitely saw some potential in it. I sat down in the gallery with the agent, while Scott looked around. The agent asked us about the idea we have and we all agreed that we couldnt make the most out of it in this place. It also didnt help, that the barmaid whispered to us, when the boss wasnt around, not to take it, because there are not enough customers in this area. So, we got a bit disappointed, when the agent told us, that there are two other venues, that could suit us even more. Then suddenly a weird thing happened, she started to describe a place that turned out to be the one, we originally viewed in January, while visiting Budapest, right at the start of us creating the Lost in Budapest idea. There were a couple of new things about is, such as a possibility of an outdoor area and the longer opening hours. Scott insisted to view it straight away, since we were really close to it, so the agent called her and we got lucky, she was already at the property and had a little bit of time for us.
The main thing we remembered about the bar, was how nice the landlady was, which is very important for us to have, in order to have a good relationship between the owner and us. Plus she speaks perfect english:). We arrived at the bar with high hopes, and with the memories from the last time, but this time it was a very different feeling, since we are now in the position to take it, we saw it in a new way. Our ideas about Lost changed a lot through the past months, but we can finally say, that we have the best concept now so far, which we think would work perfectly, and we both felt like this is the place we can make this project come true. Like always in life there was a "but"...while we were admiring the place and already having visions how it is going to look like, it turned out, that there are two other applicants at the very last stage of signing the contract. So, we started to explain to her what we are going to bring to the bar, so she understands how passionate we are about our brand. It was very refreshing to see her opening up by our ideas. Scott told her, she could give the place to someone, who would just open another average bar here, or she can rent it to us, and we can create something very special. We got the impression that she liked our ideas and concept and agreed on a second meeting tomorrow with her son there as well, so we could show them in details what we would bring to her bar. So she said, what we can do, is she could send us the contract and we can go through it and see if we like it, she can give us time till Monday, because that is when the other people are due to finalise.
The rest of the day was about relaxing for me, I went for the aqua fitness class with my mom and Scott finished todays video. Everyone fingers crossed tomorrow, think about us at 11 o clock, that is when we have the meeting and the dream may come true!!!
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