Woke up at our usual 6AM time, Scott took the dogs out for a walk, but at least it was the first night we actually slept through. At 8 I couldnt sleep anymore, and woke Scott up with the plan to go to the Margaret-island, so we could check the small zoo out and walk with the dogs since it was such a lovely weather. When we got there, we realised that today was a big run in the city the Telecom Vivicitta half marathon. It was full of people and kind of like a crazy dodging event with the dogs going through the crowd of runners and bikers. We actually realised how much attention Sky gets from people as a pit bull. It is probably because she is so beautiful and unique, but Scott has second thoughts and gets a bit paranoid of people staring at us. Maybe his neck tattoos dont help:))?! The dogs loved the little farm in the middle of island with the birds and the ponies, but obviously we couldnt go in... We took some pictures and headed back to the flat. The dogs are getting used to their new home, and today is a big day, since Sky became a little lady, she has come into season for the first time. Its crazy how quick shes grown up really, as it was only in November when we picked up this little wounded puppy in Budapest. After months of love and attention she grew into this beautiful dog, and a wonderful lifetime companion for Ruby. We could not imagine now not having them both in our lives.
doooooooo beeeeee xxx
I arranged to spend the afternoon with my friend Ildi and it gave the chance for Scott to have an afternoon siesta for himself as the 6AM dog wake up calls have started to kick in. With Ildi, we went to the Castle district, it is so nice to have everything so close from us. Had a nice time walking around in the green part of the city, and then we picked up Scott and the dogs, and took them for a walk nearby. We had no plans for the evening, and yesterday we had a talk about how we should organise ourselves in the future and how we have been living so far, we think it is best if write down our weekly roster, so we can plan ahead and know when and what we are doing. It gives us time to relax as well. It seems like we write this everyday and it sound funny, but it is a big issue for us, not stopping and always doing something otherwise we feel lazy...so we have to separate time when we know, that all we have to do is chill out.
But today really showed us with the blog (hitting over 1000 views in two weeks) how far we have come already just with our idea what we want to do and our daily routine. So the new week starts tomorrow, we have the days planned ahead and we feel really motivated for the bar viewings and who knows what is going to happen...? Some people would never be able to live the life we are living, it is in a way a mind game, always reminding yourself what you want to achieve.
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