The day started off with a usual dog walk in the very early morning. I thought that I can go back to bed for a while and sleep a bit more, but it turned out, that, according to Scott we have a strict schedule we have to follow and since this is our job now, we cannot rest till we have the bar. And I have a feeling there is no rest at all after we have it... While we had breakfast we checked the internet again for bar viewings and for some reason we found a place that was tiny, only 30 something square meters with a gallery, but it was near the Blaha Lujza square, so we called them quickly to get an appointment. The agent said, that there is a person interested already and they are signing the papers this afternoon, but if not, she is going to call me back. Okay, we said a bit disappointed, but we kept looking and we found a place almost with the exact parameters and same contact number. So we rang her again, and she said, this person is going to rent both of the places, since it is easy to have both, it is cheap and close to each other. Our mood was a bit down, it is a weird feeling, every time you see something your hopes go high, and when they say no, it is a bit painful. But we know, that we have to be patient and the right one is going to come our way when it is time:).
Somehow we got over this, and we headed off to the city early to look around in a certain area that we are interested in. So, it is not decided yet, which side of the city we want to be in, because there are certain ares of the Buda side as well, where people might be interested in our bar. Bur are there any tourist? Would they be willing to come to this side of the Danube for a nice night out? We were not sure about it, but still we walked through the line of the tram 47 from the Moricz Zsigmond square to see what it has to offer for us. Just like in the other places we have been before, this street was the same as well, every second property was empty, but unfortunately non of them were bars. Crossing the Szabadsag bridge we found the area of the Muzeum street a bit too fancy for us. Not in a way that we wouldnt love it, because it is beautiful and full of tourists, exactly what we need, just in a way, that probably it is too expensive to rent here. We ended up in a hostel, looking for a map that has all the recommended bars on it, which is going to give us the place we need to search in. It was so, we finally made it clear for ourselves that we are ideally should be in the triangle of Nyugati-Deak-Astora. It is the same conclusion what we had when we viewed a few bars in January just to see the possibilities, but then we had bad experiences, so we ended up saying, it is better for us to be on the Buda side.
To be honest, I got very tired after walking all over the streets, crossing them off our maps if we couldnt find anything on them and it was way too hot today, so I suggested to just go home and continue the bar search over the internet. Since our ideas changed a bit, and we are willing to have a smaller but cosier bar, maybe we can find places that we havnt even considered before. We went through the Kiraly, Dob and Wesselenyi street.
We came back at around 3 and Scott was so full of energy, he decided that we need to arrange a viewing for today and we have to be "on it"! So we did, and called a bar that has the best location, great layout, but the opening hours are very bad, and the agent said it is not negotiable. So, to see in a way how desperate we are, we said, it is not a problem, that we have to close at 10PM, we are just going to be a pre-bar, opening earlier and have people around mostly during the day. It just sounded a good idea at that moment, but anyway, we got a viewing this week there. The other choice was a bar near the Ferenciek squre, which is a good location as well, but the budget is exactly what our highest budget is. We are going there on Friday to check it out. This place is owned by a company that owns more properties in the city, so they really want to have people with a good idea and experience, so not only we are going to meet them, but we have to explain our concept.
Scott did an amazing video of our day today, but he has problems saving and converting it, so we cannot put it on youtube now, but lets hope, that all is going to sorted by tomorrow... It is a nice feeling to be tired after a night like this, I relaxed a bit, but Scott was non-stop, and we have been up since 6AM. But all is well, we are looking forward to tomorrow, a new day, and who knows, maybe someone in Budapest is going to decide to offer their perfect bar for rent:)!!
Lost In Budapest Blog Adventures Part 9
Music Support From Jason Bye
Lost In Budapest Blog Adventures Part 9
Music Support From Jason Bye
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