Saturday, 20 April 2013

20.04.2013 - It is a new life in Hungary

TV paprika restaurant
We had quite a lazy day today, slept finally till 8 (!!) the latest we have done since we lived here:))... The night was very weird, the truth is, that moving into this flat was not as easy as we thought it would be and it is still not lack of problems since we stay here. The details are not really important, but the relationship with our landlord is not the best. So, maybe because of this, maybe something else, neither of us really feel like home here, and last night didnt help either. At around 3AM, the door bell rang once, we both woke up, although I am a good sleeper and I couldnt hear the ringing, only Scott told me. We said it is probably nothing, so we went back to sleep, but in a few minutes it started again, only it didnt stop now. It was very loud, so we both got up and ran to the door, but didnt open it, because it was kind of scary, and all of a sudden someone turned the light on in front of the flat. Finally Scott found the switch to the bell on the switchboard and we were able to turn it off. I couldnt go back to sleep for a while and not long after, there was another noise in the flat, something fell off, but we couldnt find what it was. Basically we had a very weird night and we have the same feeling about the flat. Dont really know what to do, maybe we just need to get all our stuff in, because most of it is still at the lake house in Balaton, and make it more of a home for us...
Half pound burger, Pastrami style
We just had an average day of doing nothing and relaxing which is quite outstanding for us, and then we headed for dinner with my family to a restaurant, to Pastrami, which is created by the chefs from TV Paprika. It is a really beautiful open kitchen place, with an outside terrace. We tried almost everything on the menu, because we had to wait for my brother and sister, who came from a big party with our friends, looking like what we usually look like after a night at that place. It was really nice to see her, and had a catch up with her, since she only came home for a couple of days from London where she lives now. We had some very nice food and it was nice to be with them all for my birthday, although my mom was pretty hangover...hahahaha. Looks like, even she has more social life recently than us:)). There was a plan to go somewhere tonight and celebrate, but we just decided to stay home and organise ourselves in every way. I already wrote about this yesterday, but it hit us even more today how big of a challenge we put on ourselves by doing our own business. It turns out, that we, for example still have all of our money in Austria, and when we left we havent thought about closing the account, looking back, we dont really understand why. But this is only one thing of many. We realised that we still have some ties in Vienna, which need to be sorted out asap. This is not a major problem, and it can be sorted next week. But now we know that just settling down in Hungary is going to take some time just like finding the perfect bar. After all, even though we are only 2 hours away from where we lived in Vienna, we have to realise that this is a totally different country and we have to basically start over again and keep within our budget too. From now on we are going to have a system in our flat and in how we work. We are making a time schedule for ourselves for every week to follow, leaving time to relax as well, but from next week the real work beings.  This is the same as having any normal jobs, giving ourselves a 5 day week. We only have this chance to do the bar, and we are very determined to do it and we feel we can achieve our goal but organisation is a key element of our success. So starting on Monday this is how we are going to operate our business and our life. The thing is, that we are going to have to make some sacrifices and have to be strict to ourselves in the coming up months otherwise we are going to get lost in the details and loose track of our goals. Like we have always said from the start, the most important thing for us is to be happy with what we are doing, this was the main reason we left our previous jobs, because we were not able to show our talents and skills, so we have to make sure that we do it right with this bar. 
By writing todays blog it may look like that we are down, but everyday of this process is a learning curve for both of us, that we have to go through in order to become more experienced. After all, this is the first time for both of us to do our own business, we are sure that we have so much to learn, but at the same time we know that we are going to be successful. As they say, 10000 miles starts with a step. 

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